
Good Faith Estimate
You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost. Please request this estimate verbally or in writing. For more information, visit cms.gov/nosurprises

​​​​​​​​​Eric Bottino, PhD, MFT​​​ 


Individual Therapy
My approach is informed by a variety of therapeutic styles including psychodynamic theory, short-term models, and family systems. This enables me to make decisions on the basis of what seems in the client’s best interest.  Depending on the client’s needs and goals, I can shape therapy to be brief or more extensive to address long-standing maladaptive patterns in thinking, feeling, and behavior. Clients I work with encounter challenges such as depression, anxiety, trauma, loss, or adjustment to stressors or life transitions.

Couples Therapy
I am a Certified EFT Couples Therapist.

This therapeutic approach enables couples to expand their understanding of their relationship. Couples therapy facilitates the uncovering of hidden, deep rooted feelings that can bring forth a level of discomfort. It is within the safety of the therapeutic relationship, that this new intensity of emotions can be integrated into new ways of relating. Not only does therapy have an effect on the couples’ relationship, it also enables them to see their own personal issues more clearly. As a result, both their individual and relationship challenges can be resolved together. Couples therapy deepens the love relationship and creates stronger bonds of intimacy.

Family Therapy
The family is an organization of interconnected lives, and as such, is the context of human interpersonal problems. My background is in Family Systems and Structural Family Therapy which promotes parents’ authority while creating safety for the children. It brings order, and meaning in family interactions while balancing individuality and togetherness. Changing the family’s interactions will change its individuals.